
Grade 8 - Unit 6

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  • the name of the story
  • ready to be eaten
  • a large amount of money
  • a very old, traditional story from a particular place that was originally passed on to people in a spoken form
    folk tale
  • something that is being carried
  • hare
  • tree with green fruit shaped like a star
    starfruit tree
  • the people the story is about
    main characters
  • fox
  • Saint Giong/ fly/ to heaven
    Saint Giong was flying to heaven.
  • the type of story it is
  • dragon
  • They (dance) __________ merrily when Cinderella suddenly (leave) ___________ the party.
    were dancing - left
  • orge
  • the content of the story
  • pay back
  • giant
  • traditional, imaginary short story that teaches a moral lesson; typically using animal characters
  • When Saint Giong (lie) ____________ on the bed, he (hear) _________ an announcement that the emperor (need) ___________ brave men to protect his land.
    was lying - heard - needed
  • When the prince saw Cinderella at the party, she (wear) a beautiful gown.
    was wearing
  • ogre/ roar/ with anger
    The orge was roaring with anger.
  • When the princess returned, the prince (not wait) for her.
    wasn't waiting
  • fairy
  • eagle
  • Lac Long Quan (miss) ___________ his life under the sea, so he (decide) ___________ to take fifty of his sons back there.
    was missing/missed - decided
  • While the hare was sleeping, the tortoise (run) to the finish as fast as he could.
  • What (you/ do) this time yesterday?
    were you doing
  • princess
  • witch
  • an ancient story about brave people or magical events that are probably not true
  • servant/ spin/ in the woods
    The servant was spinning in the woods.
  • knight
  • When the crow (drop) ___________ the cheese, the fox (eat) __________ it.
    dropped - ate
  • knights/ ride horses/ to the castle
    The knights were riding horses to the castle.
  • The prince (walk) ___________ along the road when he met a princess, so he (stop) ___________ and (have) _________ a chat with her.
    was walking - stopped - had
  • Alice was walking alone in the woods when she suddenly (hear) ___________ footsteps behind her. Someone (follow) ___________ her. She was frightened and she (start) ___________ to run.
    heard - was following - started
  • wolf
  • an imaginary story typically involving magic or fairies, usually for children
    fairy tale
  • emperor
  • Cinderella/ dance/ with the prince
    Cinderella was dancing with the prince.
  • lion
  • When Jack (go) to the market, he met a magician.
    was going
  • Buddha
  • tortoise
  • woodcutter
  • girl/ pick flowers/ by the side of the road
    The girl was picking flowers by the side of the road.