
Prepositions of Place

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  • Where do you put paper?
    into a waste-paper basket
  • Where are the shoes?
    in the wardrobe
  • Where is the forest?
    behind the house
  • Where are the books?
    on the shelf
  • What's in the picture?
    a potted flower / a plant
  • Where are the socks?
    in the drawer
  • Where are the toys?
    on the floor
  • Where is the apple?
    next to the book
  • Where are the pies?
    on the windowsill
  • Where is the boy's school bag?
    under the desk
  • What is this?
    a hair-dryer
  • Where is the house?
    between the trees
  • Where is the garden?
    in front of the house
  • Where is the plane?
    above the city
  • What is this?
    a crash helmet