
Neural Control And Coordiantion

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  • What is Resting Potential?
    The electrical potential difference across the resting plasma membrane is called as the Resting Potential.
  • Label the following parts from 1 - 8.
    1. Aqueous Chamber 2. Fovea 3. Cornea 4. Blind Spot 5. Iris 6. Ciliary Body 7. Retina 8. Choroid
  • Wax gland present in the ear canal is called
    Wax gland present in the ear canal is called Sebaceous gland/ Ceruminous gland.
  • Nerve fibers are surrounded by an insulating fatty layer called:
    Myelin sheath
  • In the given diagram of brain what does "1" represent?
  • What is Crista Ampullaris ?
    The base of canals is swollen and is called Ampulla, which contains a projecting ridge called Crista Ampullaris which has hair cells.
  • What are the 2 different types of Fibres in PNS ?
    The nerve fibres of the PNS are of two types : (a) afferent fibres (b) efferent fibres
  • In the given figure of synapse few structure are marked as 1, 2, 3, and 4. Study the figure carefully and identify the structure which transmits signal across a chemical synapse. And name it.
    2, When an impulse, or nerve signal reaches the end of axon, the synaptic vesicle release a neurotransmitter into the small space between the adjoining cells.
  • The inner ear also contains a complex system called vestibular apparatus, located above the cochlea.What is it composed of ?
    The vestibular apparatus is composed of three semi-circular canals and the otolith (macula is the sensory part of saccule and utricle).
  • What is a reflex action ?
    The entire process of response to a peripheral nervous stimulation, that occurs involuntarily is called a reflex action.