
Rozgadani Fall Edition BE

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  • Our team is comprised of the foremost experts in a wide a…….. o…. disciplines.
    array of
  • She h………. her skills in customer relations at British Airways.
  • Everybody has filled in the report ,.....................?
    haven't they?
  • Some entrepreneurs would never m…… a c……………. of this kind to a rival in public.
    make a concession
  • Although he's an experienced manager, he made the r………… m……………. of trying to cram too much workload on his team.
    rookie mistake
  • Colorful pop-ups appearing on every website are my p….. p…………. I can’t stand them everywhere!
    pet peeve
  • If the tax systems are different in each European country, how can industries start on a l…… p……... f……..?
    level playing field
  • We'd almost signed the contract when the other guys m…….. the g…………. and said they wanted more money.
    moved the goalposts
  • You have to accept the e….. and f…… of having partnership business.
    ebb and flow
  • Even though they expected it from me, it was hard to think of a solution o…. t…. t….. of my h………
    off the top of my head
  • Our r……………… has declined over the last few months, but we’re still making a healthy profit.
  • We were informed about the d……………… in our company, 15% of employees is about to be made redundant.
  • Social network users are b……………… in large numbers following the changes to privacy laws.
  • Let's not hold forth and get down to doing this task r........... o..... the b.......
    right off the bat
  • Due to political situation the prices of oil has p……………………….
  • The legal team is still t……. u… l……. e…….. in the merger contract, but, other than that, we are ready to move ahead with the deal.
    tie up loose ends
  • With around 24% of market share, the company is a m……… c…………...
    market challenger
  • I’ll do my best to get back to you, but since the very early morning I have b………-……-…… m...............
    back-to-back meetings
  • Our new manager doesn't p…… her p………….. when talking about not keeping deadlines.
    pull her punches
  • Ann asked me to g… the e……. m…… for her and help her out with annual reports.
    go the extra mile
  • To c………………. the e…………… of war many companies needed to open to alternative market segments.
    counter the effects
  • The manager is i.. a s…………. having to decide who to hand in notice.
    in a stew