
Get (idioms, phraseological phrases)

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  • Explain: Get by
    means manage with what you have
  • Translate:Обычно она не понимает шуток и обижается
    She usually doesn't get the joke and offends.
  • Use GET: move from place to place.
    get around
  • Use GET: make smb. feel depressed
    get smb down
  • Explain: get the wrong end of the stick
    = to understand sth in the wrong way
  • Explain: get your own way
    get or do what you want
  • Complete: I haven't ... Ann. I haven't seen her for ages.
    got hold of
  • Explain: Get out of something
    means avoid a responsibility or obligation.
  • Use GET: think, have an idea or opinion
    get the impression
  • Translate: Поторопись, иначе опоздаем.
    Get a move on, otherwise we'll be late
  • Use GET: understand what sb is trying to tell you
    get the message
  • Complete: You should ... your selfishness. It ins't good.
    get rid of
  • Complete: Please, ... and study hard, or you'll fail your exams.
    get your act together
  • Explain: Get out of something
    means avoid a responsibility or obligation.