
Sunday Funday

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  • Spend time at your home
    Stay in
  • Spend time
    Hang out
  • Stay in bed longer than usual
    Have a lie-in
  • Leave somebody or something at some place
    Drop off
  • Not go to bed for a long time
    Stay up (late)
  • Look at somebody or something because they are interesting or attractive
    Check out
  • Eat at a café or restaurant but not at home
    Eat out
  • Leave your house to have fun
    Go out
  • Call a restaurant and ask them to bring food to your home or offce
    Order a take-away
  • Visit somebody
    Drop in (for coffee, dinner, etc.)
  • Take somebody or something from some place
    Pick up
  • Do some work at your home to keep it clean
    Do house chores
  • Look through information on the Internet
    Surf the Internet