
Miketz Perek 41 review

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  • (ל"ב) Why did פרעה have 2 dreams if they mean the same thing?
    It was happening soon
  • (נד) Where was the famine?
    "in all the [surrounding] land"
  • (י) What does the butler remind פרעה about?
    When פרעה got angry at him & the baker and put them in prison
  • (מג) What did יוסף ride on? What did they call before him?
    The 2nd chariot of the king. "אברך"
  • (ח) וְאֵין פּוֹתֵר אוֹתָם לְפַרְעֹה - רש"י קשיא תרץ
    Why does it say to פרעה? They said interpretations, just פרעה didn't accept them
  • (ט) Who made a suggestion to פרעה? How does he begin?
    The butler. "I am mentioning my sins..."
  • (ח) How did פרעה feel in the morning?
    "His spirit was disturbed."
  • (מב) What did פרעה dress/give to יוסף?
    signet ring, linen clothes, gold necklace
  • (נא) What was the firstborn's name? Why?
    מנשה. "Hashem made me forget my suffering & my father's house"
  • (טו) What does פרעה say to יוסף when he meets him?
    "I hear about you that you know how to interpret dreams"
  • (א) Why is the Nile called יאור (canal) and not נהר (river)? (רש"י)
    They made use of the Nile by digging canals to water their fields.
  • (א) What was פרעה doing? Where was he "standing"?
    Having a dream. Above/next to the Nile River.
  • (ה) What does פרעה see in the 2nd dream?
    7 healthy & good ears of grain growing on 1 stalk
  • (ג) What came out of the river next?
    7 skinny, ugly cows with little flesh
  • (ז) What did the 2nd ears of grain do?
    They swallowed up the 7 healthy ones.
  • (ד-ה) What happened after פרעה dreamt about the healthy cows being swallowed? What does פרעה do next?
    פרעה woke up. Goes back to sleep!
  • (מה) What is יוסף called? What does it mean?
    צפנת פנח - interpreted of hidden things
  • (יב) What do we see from how the butler described יוסף? (רש"י)
    "Cursed are רשעים that even the good things they do are not complete!"
  • (א) How much time went by since the last פרשה?
    2 years
  • (יב) How does the butler describe יוסף? What is he hinting to? (רש"י)
    Young=foolish, Hebrew=Not familiar with our language, Slave=can't become a king or dress in officer clothing
  • (יז) What does פרעה say about the skinny cows?
    I have never seen anything like them in Mitzrayim
  • (מח) Where did they store the food? Why (רש"י)?
    In the cities near the fields. The dirt where they grew helped preserve the grain
  • (לז-לח) What did פרעה and his servants think of יוסף's plan? What did he say to them?
    It was good in their eyes. "Could we find another man like this with the spirit of ה' in him!?"
  • (מג) What does אַבְרֵךְ mean? (רש"י)
    1. This is the "father" (advisor) to the king 2.אב=father in wisdom רך=young in years. 3. ברך= bow before him
  • (מה) Who was given to יוסף as a wife?
    אָסְנַת בַּת פּוֹטִי פֶרַע כֹּהֵן אוֹן
  • (כא) How did the skinny cows look after swallowing the fat ones?
    You couldn't tell what they had swallowed
  • (ב) What came out of the river? What did they do?
    7 good looking cows with healthy flesh. They grazed in the swamp.
  • (טז) What does יוסף respond to פרעה about if he knows how to interpret dreams?
    "It is not me! ה' will give me the answer for פרעה!"
  • (ו) What sprouted next?
    7 thin ears, beaten by the east wind.
  • (לג) What does יוסף suggest to פרעה to find?
    A wise & understanding man to save the country
  • (נב) What was the 2nd son's name? Why?
    אפרים. "Hashem made me fruitful in the land of my suffering"
  • (ח) Who did פרעה call for?
    The magicians and wise men of מצרים.
  • (כה) How does יוסף begin explaining the two dreams?
    They are really one dream
  • (מ) How does פרעה describe יוסף's new position?
    You will be in charge of my house & nation, Only the throne will be greater than you
  • (נה) Why were they hungry? What did יוסף say to them? What did פרעה say to them? (רש"י)
    The food they had stored had rotted. יוסף told them to get a מילה. When they complained, פרעה told them to listen bc he can make us die!
  • (מד) What does "לֹא יָרִים אִישׁ אֶת יָדוֹ וְאֶת רַגְלוֹ" refer to? (רש"י - אונקלוס)
    No one can lift his hand to take a weapon and to ride on a horse
  • (ז) "וְהִנֵּה חֲלוֹם" - explain (רש"י).
    The dream was now complete and needed to be interpreted.
  • (מו) How old is יוסף when he stood in front of פרעה? How long ago was he sold?
    30. He was away for 13 years
  • (ד) What did the skinny cows do?
    They ate the healthy cows.
  • (יד) What do they do to יוסף when פרעה sends for him?
    Rush him out of the jail, shaved his hair, and changed his clothes.