
B1.2 Writing mistakes

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  • Right or wrong? Win the lottery is very good luck
    Wrong - WINNING the lottery is very good luck
  • Choose the correct one
    I get up all the days on 7 O'Clock
    I get up every day at 7 O'Clock
    I get up all the days at 7 O'Clock
  • How do you say "premio" in English?
  • Translate: Tienes que pagar a Hacienda
    You have to pay to taxman
    You have to pay to the taxman
    You have to pay the taxman
  • Choose the correct one:
    Is a special moment because it only happens once
    Is a special moment because only happens once
    It's a special moment because it only happens once
  • Right or wrong? I was robbed last night.
  • Choose the correct one:
    Some people spend a lot of money IN the tickets
    Some people spend a lot of money ON the tickets
    Some people spend a lot of money WITH the tickets
  • "Mi hermana tiene mucha suerte" in English is...
    My sister has very luck
    My sister is very lucky
    My sister has got very lucky
  • Right or wrong? Other advantage is that you can leave your job.
    Wrong - ANOTHER advantage is that you can leave your job
  • Right or Wrong? I have a house in Madrid and I have another house in my village.
  • Right or wrong? My friend was stolen on Saturday
    Wrong - My friend was robbed on Saturday
  • Right or Wrong?- There are 2 persons in the room
    Wrong-2 people
  • How do you spell "adicto"
  • Choose the correct one:
    If I won the lottery, I'd think it was good luck
    If I won the lottery, I'll think it is good luck
    If I won the lottery, I'll think it was good luck
  • Right or wrong? The thieves stole the bank at the weekend.
    Wrong. The thieves robbed the bank at the weekend.
  • Choose the correct one
    Probably you will buy a lot of expensive things
    You probably will buy a lot of expensive things
    You will probably buy a lot of expensive things
  • What's the plural of "child"?
  • Choose the correct one:
    You probably won't get any new real friends
    You won't probably get any new real friends
    Probably you won't get any new real friends
  • right or wrong? There are more disadvantages that advantages
    Wrong - more disadvantages THAN advantages