
Family time

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  • Who's in this family?
    Students' answers
  • Who's in this family?
    Students' answers
  • Who is it?
    Two brothers
  • Who's in this family?
    Students' answer
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
    Students' answers
  • Who is it?
    A brother and a sister
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
    Students' answers
  • Who's in this family?
    Students' answers
  • Who's in this family?
    Students' answer
  • Who is it?
    Two sisters
  • Who's in your family?
    Students' answers
  • Who is it?
    A dad
  • Who's this?
  • Who's this?
  • Who's this?
    A mum
  • Who's this?
    Two brothers and two sisters
  • How old is your brother / sister?
    Students' answers