
All About Art (Elementary)

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  • What word describes the way something feels? (rough, smooth, soft, hard)
  • What two colors, when mixed, make orange?
    Red and Yellow
  • What do you call the type of artwork that shows a city?
    A cityscape
  • What do you create when you add white to a color?
    A tint
  • What do you call a painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person, especially one depicting only the face or head and shoulders?
    A portrait
  • What element of art describes 3D objects like cones, pyramids, cubes, and spheres?
  • What is the line that moved side to side, left to right called?
    horizontal line
  • What is the process called when an artist carves into a surface, adds color to the carving, and then stamps the picture onto another surface?
  • What are the 3 secondary colors?
    Orange, purple, green
  • What is lightness or darkness of a color called?
  • What do you call the type of artwork that shows the visible features of an area of countryside or land?
    A landscape
  • What are the 3 primary colors?
    Red, yellow, blue
  • What do you do when you make a mistake?
    Fix it if you can, and if you can't try to turn it into something new.
  • What do you create when you add black to a color?
    A shade
  • A picture made by cutting and gluing paper and other items together is called what?
    a collage
  • What two colors, when mixed, make green?
    Yellow and blue
  • What is the line that moves up and down called?
    Vertical line
  • What is the element of art that describes a path connecting two points?
  • What two colors, when mixed, make purple?
    Red and blue
  • What does a line make when it starts and ends at the same point? (2-dimension)