
Vocabulary Review

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  • hearty
    filling and wholesome
  • sinister
    spooky, eerie or menacing
  • Define excessive
    Having too much
  • eerie
    creepy or ghostly
  • tangy
    strong or sharp tasting
  • wholesome
    healthy and good for you
  • mouthwatering
    looking or smelling delicious
  • Use gorge in a sentence.
  • repulsive
    disgusting and gross
  • peppery
    spicy or fiery
  • Use guzzle in a sentence.
  • dilapidated
    run down or shabby
  • Use irresistible in a sentence.
  • Define devour
    To eat hungrily or gobble up
  • lavish
    rich and luxurious
  • Use peppery in a sentence.
  • guzzle
    to gobble or devour
  • Define Inhale
    to breath in or take in quickly
  • ominous
    scary and threatening
  • electrifying
    thrilling and exhilaratin
  • Use mouthwatering in a sentence.
  • gorge
    to stuff yourself or overeat
  • irresistible
    appealing and inviting
  • Use devour in a sentence.
  • petrified
    terrified or horrified, frozen with fear
  • ravenous
    hungry or starving
  • Use tangy in a sentence.
  • moist
    damp, not dry
  • Define demolish
    to eat up or destroy
  • Define famished
    very hungry or ravenous
  • indulgent
    extra or over the top
  • Use demolish in a sentence.