
C1.1 - Unit 4

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  • I have a feeling Ken may not be the right person for the job. Correct or incorrect?
  • Which is the stressed syllable? whis|per|ing
  • I couldn’t sleep after watching that film. The main character was just so c________! I’d feel really uncomfortable if I met him in real life.
  • ________ Arno arrived than he and Erik started to fight. (Sooner than / As soon / No sooner had)
    No sooner had
  • He says he’ll be probably a little late. We can wait. Correct or incorrect?
    Incorrect: He says he'll probably be a little late. We can wait.
  • Which is the stressed syllable? at|mos|phere
  • Not only _______ late, you’re also not dressed properly. (you are / are you / you’re)
    are you
  • You have to read this novel! It’s a h________ story that you won’t find easy to get out of your mind.
  • Never read reviews before going to see a film – they’re always full of s________!
  • We’ll probably be / probably start watching the film at about nine o’clock.
  • Rarely ________ so relaxed. (I have felt / have felt / have I felt)
    have I felt
  • Not only she is my sister, she is also my best friend. Correct or incorrect?
    Incorrect: Not only is she my sister, she is also my best friend.
  • People who can’t help repeating sounds or words as they speak are said to have a s___________.
  • Milla ought / should to have been here twenty minutes ago.
  • A film that is really exciting and full of action is described as f________-m________.
  • A story which seems unlikely or difficult to believe can be described as i________.
  • groan / mumble / scream / slam
  • I don’t think we should ask Joe to join us. He’s not definitely the party type. Correct or incorrect?
    Incorrect: I don’t think we should ask Joe to join us. He’s definitely not the party type.
  • It is considered very bad manners in most countries to s________ your soup loudly.
  • rattle / whisper / click / drip
  • Never ________ such a ridiculous excuse! (have I heard / I heard / I have heard)
    have I heard
  • whistle / click / mumble / whisper
  • Which is the stressed syllable? a|fi|cio|na|do
  • Paul couldn’t / might have practised much for his cello exam – he failed it!
  • Not until I see the money with my own eyes ________ that I have been paid! (I believe / will I believe / do I believe)
    will I believe
  • tap / bang / buzz / giggle
  • Anja must have spoken / must speak German very well. She has lived in Berlin for seven years.
    must speak
  • Which is the stressed syllable? con|cerned
  • The film was really t________-________; we stayed up till 2 a.m. talking about it.
  • drip / slurp / splash / hoot
  • Which is the stressed syllable? crack|ling
  • Carl definitely won’t / won’t definitely get a promotion next month. He doesn’t work hard enough.
    definitely won't
  • Beatrice is sure to / bound get the job. She’s got excellent qualifications.
    sure to
  • If someone is frightened, hurt, or overly excited they often s________ out loud.
  • Not until ________ you’re sorry will we discuss what happened! (say you / you're say / you say)
    you say
  • yell / tick / whisper / sigh
  • Which is the stressed syllable? com|po|si|tion
  • It’s unlikely that they’ll be on time for the performance. Correct or incorrect?
  • This book is really i________. I just can’t wait to find out what happens next!
  • To be honest, I struggled to finish the book you lent me. I found it too h________ -__________.
  • A story that makes you cry or feel strong emotion is m______.
  • Mika is bound being here soon. She’s not usually late. Correct or incorrect?
    Incorrect: Mika is bound to be here soon. She’s not usually late.
  • When someone makes a loud noise when they cry it is called s____.
  • Only when you watch someone make a basket ________ what an art it is. (you do realize / do you realize / you realize)
    do you realize
  • When I hear a familiar tune I usually end up w/h________ along with it.
    whistling / humming
  • When a book’s so interesting and exciting that it’s impossible to put down it is often described as g________.
  • I’m afraid I’m won’t / unlikely to be there in time for the meeting.
  • bang / crash / snif / crunch
  • Dave can’t / must have been at home; he didn’t answer the door when I knocked.
  • That film was incredibly m________. I think everyone in the cinema was crying at the end of it!
  • If we leave now, we should / should have catch the last bus home.