
IPTC Review

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  • Inversions: I was so angry that I actually wrote a review
    So angry was I that I actually wrote a review
  • Transform using inversions: They not only lied to me, but they also ignored my calls!
    Not only did they lie to me, but they also ignored my calls
  • Use "a mecca for" in a sentence
  • What are some stereotypes you are familiar with? How true are they?
  • Complete the sentence: It's highly (un)likely that...
  • Transform the sentence using inversions: They had hardly finished when they were given new tasks
    Hardly had they finished when they were given new tasks
  • Define the expression: Because I’d been carrying a torch for someone else, our relationship was over
    I had a crush on someone else
  • Give one example of how technology affects relationships
  • How do you define beauty?
  • It's been ___________ miserable around here without her
  • The crowd went __________ insane when the band came on stage
  • What is a food ritual that you or people around you have?
  • More people ___________ alive if the hurricane ___________ last year.
    would be / hadn't happened
  • Complete the sentence: it's a foregone conclusion that...
  • Describe your favourite music genre
  • Quickly describe the ingredients and preparation of a dish you love
  • How important is etiquette to you?
  • How do you define culture?
  • You ________ less likely to have an accident if you ________ Switzerland during Föhn
    are / leave - are not in
  • Since the phone-hacking scandal, many politicians have become ____________ suspicious of the press
  • Define the expression: "How did you take this bolt from the blue"?
    something that hits you out of nowhere
  • Complete the sentence: "What São Paulo lacks in beaches, it makes up for in..."
  • If I _______ you, I _________ to California if I __________ to murder my husband
    were / would go / wanted
  • Complete the sentence: It's doubtful that...