
UK Christmas

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  • Who brings the presents to the kids?
    Father Christmas
  • Name three traditional Christmas dishes
    roast turkey or duck, Christmas pudding, Yorkshire pudding
  • When did the decoration of the Christmas tree become common?
    In the Victorian period
  • When is the Royal Christmas Message broadcast?
    3 pm on 25 December
  • When do English people usually dismantle their trees?
    6 January
  • Pantomimes are....
    all kinds of plays perfomed during the Christmas season
  • What do you call the singers who go from door to door at Christmas?
  • How do kids sent their letters to the North Pole?
    toss it into the fire
  • In England, Christmas was originally called ....
  • Name three things in the christmas cracker
    paper crown, joke, toy
  • Name three plants that are used for Chrtmas decoration
    holly, ivy, mistletoe
  • Who gets present on Boxing day?
    postman, newsagent, milkman
  • Who and when banned Christmas in England?
    The Puritans in the middle of the 1600's