
Passive voice name three

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  • Name three things that ______ (use) by an artist.
    are used
  • Name three countries where Eurovision _____ (celebrate).
    has been celebrated / was celebrated
  • Name three national dishes that ____ (eat) in your country.
    are eaten
  • Name three things that ___ (cannot do) alone.
    cannot be done
  • Name three things that _ probably__ (invented) in the next 100 years.
    will probably be invented
  • Name three writers who ______ (bring up) in Europe.
    were brought up
  • Name three animals that ____ (eat) in your country.
    are eaten
  • Name three languages that _____ (speak) in the Middle East.
    are spoken
  • Name three things that ___ (produce) in your country.
    are produced
  • Name three singers who ___ (born) in the USA.
    were born
  • Name three sports that ___ (play) in teams.
    are played
  • Name three animals that ___ (find) in Africa.
    are found
  • Name three language that ___ (speak) in Asia.
    are spoken
  • Name three three books that _____ (make) into books.
    have been made / were made
  • Name three films that __ (show) in the cinema this year.
    have been shown / are being shown
  • Name three things that ____ (make) of leather.
    are made
  • Name three things that ___ (invent) in the last 25 years.
    have been invented / were invented
  • Name three popular TV shows that ___ (record) in your country.
    are recorded
  • Name three singers that _____ (be born) in Europe but not in Spain.
    were born
  • Name three countries where FIFA World Cup _____ (host).
    has been hosted / was hosted
  • Name three countries that _____ (colonize) by the British Empire.
    were colonized
  • Name three fruits that ______ (bring) to Spain in the past.
    were brought
  • Name three apps that ___ (install) on your computer.
    are installed
  • Name three famous buildings that ____ (build) more than 1000 years ago.
    were built