
Timekeeping devices

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  • the earliest type of timekeeping device, which indicates the time of day by the position of the shadow of some object exposed to (подвергающийся воздействию)the sun's rays.
  • It has two round glass sections linked by a narrow (узкий) channel, and contains sand.
  • a thin candle with markings (маркировки) spaced out (разбитые промежутками) that indicate how much time has passed as it burns.
    candle clock
  • It comprises (содержит) an oscillating (колеблющийся) mechanism that marks the passing of time, and an escapement (торможение) that counts (считает) its beats (биения).
    mechanical clock
  • a clock that uses a swinging (качающийся) weight (груз), as its timekeeping element
    pendulum clock
  • It is powered by (работает на) a battery or solar cell (элемент солнечной батареи), in which the timekeeping is regulated by a quartz crystal that vibrates at a certain (определенной) frequency (частоте).
    quartz wristwatch
  • ancient device for measuring time by the gradual (постепенном) flow of water
    water clock
  • a clock that measures time by monitoring (отслеживая) the resonant (звонкий) frequency (частота) of atoms.
    atomic clock