
Unit 1 - 2nd grade - Where can you learn at scho ...

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  • Where is Toby?
    Toby is in the library.
  • Sam is ____________ the books
  • Where is Daisy?
    Daisy is in the classroom
  • Where is Grace?
    Grace is in the computer room.
  • It is important to ...
    play nicely.
  • It is important to ...
    listen to others.
  • Sam is ____________ the books
  • Sam is ____________ the books
    in front of
  • It is important to ...
    raise your hand.
  • Where is Sam?
    Sam is in the dining room.
  • Where is Sam?
    Sam is in the gym
  • It is important to ...
    wash your hands.
  • Sam is ____________ the books
    next to
  • Where is Grace?
    Grace is in the playground.
  • Where is Jack?
    Jack is in the toilet.
  • It is important to ...
    line up.
  • Where is Daisy?
    Daisy is in the corridor.