
Big Questions 4 Unit 3 (level 2 langcentre) REVI ...

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  • COMPARE: A hummingbrid _____ ___ small ___ a mouse.
    is as small as
  • COMPARE: A peacock _____ ___ beautiful ___ a swan.
    is as beautiful as
  • COMPARE: A ladybird _____ ___ big ___ an elephant.
    isn't as big as
  • COMPARE a vulture and a swan. Use the word "beautiful".
    A vulture isn't as beautiful as a swan.
  • COMPARE a lion and a tiger. Use the word "big".
    A lion is as big as a tiger.
  • COMPARE: A vulture _____ ___ beautiful ___ a swan.
    isn't as beautiful as
  • What bird is this?
    An eagle
  • What bird is this?
    A swan
  • A sloth ______ ___ funny ___ a monkey.
    isn't as funny as
  • What bird is this?
    A hummingbird
  • What bird is this?
    A peacock
  • COMPARE: A hummingbird _____ ___ colourful ___ a parrot.
    is as colourful as
  • A penguin ____ ____ elegant ____ an eagle.
    isn't as elegant as
  • What bird is this?
    A parrot
  • COMPARE an elephant and a mouse. Use the word "big".
    A mouse isn't as big as an elephant.
  • What bird is this?
    A vulture
  • COMPARE a parrot and a rainbow. Use the word "colourful".
    A parrot is as colourful as a rainbow.