
Big Questions 4 Unit 3 (level 2 langcentre) REVI ...

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  • My cousin is an astronaut at the international space station. She ___ ________ on the moon many times!
    has walked
  • I _____ ____________ an island many times. My uncle is an explorer and I go with him on his travels!
    have explored
  • Would you like to d_______ near a c____ _____?
    dive near a coral reef
  • Would you like to c__________ on a r_______?
    canoe on a river
  • My uncle is an explorer. He ___ ___ near a coral reef
    has dived
  • Would you like to w_____ on the m_______ ?
    walk on the moon
  • Would you like to e_________ a c________?
    explore a cave
  • I _______ __________ a volcano. It's too dangerous and I don't want to!
    haven't climbed
  • I don't like water. I ______ ___________ under a waterfall.
    haven't walked
  • Would you like to c_______ a c______?
    climb a cliff
  • My friend lives in Dubai. She ____ ____ across the desert many times.
    has trekked
  • Jane Goodall is a famous expert on chimpanzees. She ______ ___________ the jungle many times!
    has explored
  • I am very sporty. I _____ _______ a cliff this morning.
    have climbed
  • Would you like to w________ under a w______ ?
    walk under a waterfall
  • Would you like to t_______ across a d___________?
    trek across a desert
  • Would you like to c______ a v________?
    climb a volcano
  • My dad is scared of dark places. He _____ _________ a cave.
    hasn't explored
  • Would you like to e__________ an i________?
    explore an island
  • My mum is afraid of the water. She __________ __________ on a river.
    hasn't canoed
  • Would you like to e_______ a j_______?
    explore a jungle