
Bible Quiz

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  • 석유파동을 제일 싫어하는 사람은?
    미련한 다섯처녀
  • How many words are in the shortest verse in the Bible? (John 11)
    Two. “Jesus wept.”
  • How tall was the giant, Goliath? (1 Samuel 17)
    Nine feet nine inches
  • Which apostle was a tentmaker? (Acts 18)
  • Who shut the door of Noah’s ark? (Genesis 7:16)
  • How long did Jesus hang on the cross? (Mark 15)
    Six hours - from the third hour to the ninth hour.
  • What two men in the Bible never died?
    Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) and Enoch (Genesis 5:21-24)
  • 이 세상에서 가장 빨리 왕이 된 사람은?
  • What two books of the Bible are named after women?
    Esther and Ruth
  • 하나님이 싫어하시는 비는?
  • 성경 인물 중에서 장사를 제일 잘하는 사람은?
  • 성경 인물 중 귀가 제일 밝은 사람은?
  • 성경에 나오는 성중에서 어른들은 없는 성은?
  • How many wives did King Solomon have?(1 Kings 11)
    He had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
  • 세계에서 가장 좋은 두 가지 만병통치약은?
    신약과 구약
  • Who is the oldest man mentioned in the Bible? (Genesis 5)
    Methuselah. He lived 969 years.