
Articles fill in the gaps

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  • Henry and Peter were ___ good students when they were ___ children.
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  • Where is ___ pen you borrowed from me yesterday?
  • What do you usually have for _____ breakfast?
  • I have ___ money in the bank.
  • ___ Tower of London is very old.
  • Are you at the shop right now? Can you buy me ___ cake?
  • ___ water of ___ Baltic Sea is usually cold.
    the / the
  • Tom's grandfather was born in __ Spain in 1940.
  • Are these ___ pair of shoes you wore at the prom?
  • Winnie the Pooh is sitting at ___ table eating ___ lunch.
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  • Joe is reading ______ book he borrowed from _______ library.
    the / the
  • ___ water is important for life on the Earth. We must keep it clean.
  • This pillow is made of ___ silk.
  • Robert is ___ driver. He drives big trucks.
  • I will never forget our ___ fantastic trip to ___ Alps!
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  • My worst subject is ____ chemistry.
  • There was ___ strange sound in ___ living room last night.
    a / the
  • ___ Sun is bigger than ___ Moon.
    the / the
  • This dress is made of ___ best silk.
  • Laura is ___ pretty girl. She looks very smart, too.
  • ___ farmhouses in my village were very poor.
  • I've got ___ red pen and ____ blue pen. ___ red pen is my favorite.
    a / a / the
  • I believe that ___ friendship plays an important role in people’s lives.
  • Do you like ___ apples?