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  • Which colony was first settled by the Dutch?
    New York
  • What woman was banished from Massachusetts Bay for her different beliefs?
    Anne Hutchison
  • What "business" helped the creation of many colonies in the new world?
    joint stock company
  • What is the Middle Passage?
    Part of the Triangular Trade where people were taken from Africa to the new world to be slaves
  • A preacher who was known for the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
    Jonathan Edwards
  • What miscarriage of justice (leading to the execution of 20 women and men) took place in 1692 in Massachusetts?
    Salem Witch Trials
  • In what year was Jamestown founded?
  • An English preacher who started the Great Awakening
    George Whitfield
  • Which colonial region was settled by the Puritans and Pilgrims because of religious freedom?
    New England
  • What colony did Roger Williams found? Why?
    Rhode Island; religious freedom
  • The Pilgrims wrote the first agreement for self-government for Plymouth. It was called...
    The Mayflower Compact
  • The first representative government in Jamestown, Virginia
    House of Burgesses
  • What is the term used to describe the economic system in which the colonies traded raw materials to England for manufactured goods so the Mother Country had a positive trade balance?
  • Which colonies had farms, plantations, and slaves?
    southern colonies
  • When gold was not discovered, what commodity made the colony viable?
  • The region that treated the Native Americans fairly
    Middle Colonies
  • A policy of England lightly supervising the colones as long as they were loyal
    salutary neglect
  • Who helped save Jamestown by marrying Pocahontas and developing tobacco as a cash crop?
    John Rolfe
  • This rebellion was made against the Jamestown governor because he wouldn't help the settlers fight the Native Americans.
    Bacon's Rebellion
  • Colonies that made their money from shipbuilding, lumber, and fishing
    New England colonies
  • What colony was founded by Oglethorpe as a refuge for debtors as a buffer between Spanish FL and the English colonies?
  • What was the religious fervor called that helped to unify the colonies?
    Great Awakening
  • Which soldier saved Jamestown from ruin and what was his rule?
    John Smith; if you don't work, you don't eat
  • People who have their trip to the new world paid for in exchange for working for that person for several years.
    Indentured Servant
  • The colonies that based their economy on wheat/grain and was nicknamed the Bread Basket
    Middle colonies
  • Which colony was founded as a refuge for Quakers?