
L8 Present Tense Review

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  • I love hot springs in winter time.
    I don't love hot springs in winter time.
  • The mean student doesn't do his homework.
    The mean student does his homework.
  • The pepperoni pizza doesn't smell very delicious.
    The pepperoni pizza smells very delicious.
  • The really ugly dog plays with the ball.
    The really ugly dog doesn't play with the ball.
  • Sally and Bob think it is mean to laugh at other people.
    Sally and Bob don't think it is mean to laugh at other people.
  • Jim and Bill don't like to talk to girls.
    Jim and Bill talk to girls.
  • You don't have a ball at home.
    You have a ball at home.
  • The old table makes loud noises every day.
    The old table doesn't make loud noises every day.
  • He doesn't play video games when he is sad.
    He plays video games when he is sad.
  • Joey, Daniel, and Stanley look like super smart boys.
    Joey, Daniel, and Stanley don't look like super smart boys.