
Revolutionary War

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  • How did the King try to get the money back from the French and Indian War
    Charge the colonists with taxes
  • What was the cause of the Boston Tea Party?
    Tea act
  • What group threw the tea into the harbor?
    The Sons of Liberty
  • What act placed a tax on sugar and molasses?
    The Sugar Act
  • Why did the King start taxing the colonists
    To pay for the French and Indian war
  • A colonist that favored war against the British are called what?
  • Why did the colonists think it was unfair that the king taxed them?
    They had no representation in Parliment
  • Were the Sons of Liberty Violent or peaceful?
  • Who won the French and Indian War
    The British
  • A colonist who remained loyal to Britain is called what?
    A Lolyalist
  • Why did King George say he sent the soldiers to the colonies?
    To protect them from the Indians
  • Who was the first person killed in the Revolutionary war?
    Crispus Attucks
  • What does boycott mean?
    To refuse to buy or use a certain product
  • How many people were found guilty in the Boston Massacre?
  • What Act forced the colonists to house the British soldiers
    The Quartering Act
  • What did the French and British fight over
    The land in the Ohio River Valley
  • What act placed a tax on all written documents?
    The Stamp Act
  • Why did the colonists think that King George sent the soldiers to the colonies?
    To spy on them
  • Who fought in the French and Indian War
    The French vs the British
  • How many people died in the Boston Massacre?