
Character Education

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  • What is a goal?
    something you WANT and have the POWER to do
  • What are the four parts of kindness?
    empathetic, polite, thoughtful, patient
  • Where have Ms. Grace and Ms. Tess traveled together?
    Denver and Charleston and Michigan
  • Give an example of someone showing tolerance.
    (many answers, if Miss Grace or Miss Tess says you're right, you get the points)
  • Why should we be responsible?
    shrinks worries, people will believe you
  • What is a "character trait"?
    the pieces that make up who you are
  • What are the 5 things a flexible thinker can do?
    change mind, change plans, change thoughts, think about other peoples ideas, try new things
  • What is good judgement?
    thinking carefully about choices and consequences
  • Who is Ms. Tess and Ms. Grace's favorite talk show host?
    Jimmy Fallon
  • Give an example of someone showing respect.
    raising hand before talking, using manners, listening the first time someone asks you to do something, etc
  • What are the three steps to showing empathy?
    notice people around you, identify the feeling, show the feeling
  • Why should we use self-control?
    keep yourself and others safe, make friends
  • What are the two steps to changing your thoughts?
    1. take out rigid words 2. add flexible words
  • What are the three ways to be patient?
    wait quietly, let someone else go first, explain something
  • What is permission?
    asking the person in charge if you're allowed to do something
  • What are the three questions we ask ourselves when we are identifying a problem?
    who is in it?, what does each person want?, what's stopping them?
  • Name the 5 rules for PUBLIC PLACES
    face the elevator doors, offer your seat, don't rush around others, leave a tip, don't stare
  • What is trustworthy?
    People believe what I say
  • What are the four steps to apologize?
    1. "I'm sorry", 2. Name your mistake, 3. Next time I will... 4. Will you forgive me?
  • Why should we be fair?
    no one gets left out, people will give you a chance
  • Why should we be flexible?
    more choices, helps others
  • What are the three things we ask permission for?
    touch something not yours, interrupt, share something not yours
  • What are the two ways to say what you mean?
    1. think before you speak 2. be specific
  • What is character?
    how you treat other people
  • Name the 6 social rules when you're AT SOMEONE'S HOUSE
    give a compliment, clean up, offer to help, say "thanks for having me", ask before using anything, don't ask when you get to leave
  • What are the five steps to showing good judgement?
    1. identify the problem, 2. brainstorm, 3. consider the consequences, 4. choose a solution, 5. try it out
  • What is Ms. Grace's husband's name?
  • What are the two reasons we should be empathetic?
    respond appropriately, improves friendships
  • What is respect?
    showing that you KNOW that other people MATTER
  • What are the three things that can happen when you want something?
    get it, get stuck, get flexible
  • How can we be fair?
    follow rules, ask permission, worry about yourself
  • Why should we be trustworthy?
    1. more time and energy, 2. others feel safe
  • What does it mean to be hard working?
    doing your best no matter what
  • What are the four things we can notice about other people?
    facial expression, tone of voice, body language, changes
  • Why should we work hard?
    get things you want, keep promises
  • What Hogwarts house were Miss Tess and Miss Grace sorted into?
  • Do Ms. Grace and Ms. Tess have any sisters?
    Just each other!!!!
  • Explain positive self-talk.
    saying encouraging words to yourself
  • What is fair?
    everyone gets what they need
  • What are social rules?
    interacting with people appropriately
  • What are the four parts of integrity?
    responsible, fair, good judgement, trustworthy
  • What are our three strategies for self-control?
    hit the pause button, positive self-talk, consider the consequences
  • Why should we be fair?
    no one gets left out, people will give you a chance
  • What is empathy?
    sharing someone else's feeling
  • What are the three strategies we can use to keep trying?
    brainstorm, positive self-talk, ask for help
  • What are rules?
    guidelines that keep us safe and help us learn
  • What are manners?
    Words and actions that make things nice
  • What is patient?
    waiting without complaining
  • What is "responsible"?
    taking care of my things, my time, and my work
  • Why should we be tolerant?
    solve problems, get along with others
  • What is a plan?
    the steps to get something done
  • What are the three things hard workers do?
    set goals, make plans, keep trying
  • What is kindness?
    showing that you want the best for someone
  • What are the three steps to "hit the pause button"?
  • What are the four parts of respect?
    tolerance, self-control, flexibility, hard work
  • What is thoughtful?
    thinking about what other people want
  • Why should we be patient?
    make better decisions, does not annoy others
  • What are the three ways to be trustworthy?
    1. say what you mean, 2. apologize, 3. keep promises
  • Name the 6 social rules for EVERYWHERE
    don't interrupt, bounce the question back, use small talk, put away devices when others are around, look at who is talking, keep personal space
  • What are the five ways to be thoughtful?
    think before you speak, give compliments, ask questions, help, encourage
  • What are the two reasons to be thoughtful?
    helps you understand the world,  makes other people feel important
  • What is tolerance?
    accepting differences
  • What does polite mean?
    using manners and following social rules
  • What is self-control?
    power over your words and actions
  • Why should we be polite?
    people will want to be around you, improve communication
  • Why should we show good judgement?
    understand others, avoid problems
  • What is flexibility?
    ability to change
  • What is Ms. Tess' nephew's name?