
The Digestive System

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  • the organ that secretes (secretar) PANCREATIC juice
    the pancreas
  • The tube connected to the stomach
  • the glands that secrete (secretar) GASTRIC juice and protective mucous
    gastric glands
  • Helps digest food that comes from the stomach; the walls of this part are covered in intestinal villi; has the DUODENUM, JEJUNUM, and ILEUM
    the small intestine
  • How do you pronounce this part of the digestive tract in ENGLISH: stomach
    sto - mik
  • This part is connected to the small intestine; it makes feces (poop); it has the CAECUM, COLON, and RECTUM
    the large intestine
  • the part of the digestive system WHERE FOOD IS DIGESTED; connects to the oesophagus and the small intestine
    the stomach
  • the organ that produces (producir) BILE (bilis) that is stored in the gallbladder
    the liver
  • The FOOD PASSES THROUGH THIS PART to the oesophagus
  • The gland that secretes (secretar) INTESTINAL juice and protective mucous
    intestinal glands
  • The part that contains the tongue and the teeth
    the mouth
  • The gland that secretes (secretar) SALIVA into the mouth
    the salivary glands
  • The digestive system functions to do what ?
    digest food and absorb nutrients