
Earth and Sun Review

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  • It is 8:00am, is the shadow longer, shorter, or the same at 11:00am?
    It is shorter
  • If a wheel fell off a plane while it was flying in the sky, what will happen to the wheel?
    It will continue in the direction of the plane and then fall to the ground.
  • It is sunrise. Where will the shadow of a tree point?
    to the west
  • Is the sun a star?
  • Hot water and air particles will be ______________ than cooler water and air particles.
    further apart
  • Why can't we see the sun all day?
    The Earth rotates
  • Newton's law of motion states, objects stay in motion unless acted upon by another____________?
  • Newton's law of motion states, objects stay in motion unless acted upon by another_____________.
  • Explain uneven heating
    The geosphere absorbs the Sun's heat faster than the hydrosphere.
  • Sand heats faster than water. True or false?
  • Why at night is the Moon brighter than the stars?
    It reflects the suns light and is closer to Earth than other stars.
  • Most of Earth's fresh water is where on Earth?
    Ice caps and glaciers