
Genetics Unit 3

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  • What is another name for homozygous?
    purebred; true bred
  • Features influenced by the environment, choices you make, scars from injuries, things you learn, habits you develop over your life time.
    acquired traits
  • Genes are located...
    on chromosomes
  • Physical appearance of an organism.
  • Another name for heterozygous.
    hybrid; carrier
  • List the 3 possible genotypes. (Use the letter T) (in order)
    TT, Tt, tt
  • Where is your genetic material found?
    inside the nucleus of your cells; your unique DNA
  • Using the letter "L", what is the genotype of a recessive organism?
  • An example of genetic engineering...
    selective breeding (artificial selection)
  • Written with capital letters
    dominant traits
  • What did we learn from Gregor Mendel's experiments with pea plants specifically...
    tall stem length pea plants were dominant and hide short recessive pea plant stem length
  • Segments of DNA are called?
  • Always shows up when present.
    dominant traits
  • How do we get the greatest genetic diversity or variations?
    Through sexual reproduction- a combination of genes from Mom & Dad; we do NOT all look alike
  • How can 2 parents that show the dominant traits have offspring with the recessive trait (example: eye color- parents phenotype brown eyes)
    Both parents must be carriers (Bb x Bb); heterozygous for there to be a 25% chance of the offspring having blue eyes (phenotype)
  • Different forms of a GENE.
  • Define selective breeding...purpose and who is in control. Give an example.
    Selective breeding- humans are choosing the traits that they desire to see in the offspring of an organism. (Purebred dogs)
  • Two different alleles for a gene means...
  • Written with lowercase letters
    recessive traits
  • Genetic makeup
  • Give the example of a genotype for a hybrid organism using the letter "R".
  • Name 2 advantages to asexual reproduction.
    fast process, no mate needed, reproduce more often, easy
  • Natural traits that you are born with; passed fown from your parents and are coded for in your DNA.
    inherited traits
  • What is the phenotype of a parent that is hybrid when brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes?
    Brown eyes (capital letter is present Bb- see the dominant trait)
  • List 1 disadvantage to sexual reproduction.
    slow process, must find a mate, longer for birth of offspring, reproduce less often
  • How many chromosomes do you inherit from each parent?
    23; 46 total; 1/2 from Mom and 1/2 from Dad
  • Father of Genetics
    Gregor Mendel
  • A form of genetic engineering is much genetic material is in the original and the clone.
    EXACT same
  • Give an example of the possible genotypes for a dominant organism using the letter B.
    BB, Bb
  • The passing of traits from parent to offspring through sexual reproduction is...
  • Explain why a child may look more like one parent over the other.
    One parents may possess the majority of the dominant traits. Therefore you are more likely to favor that parent.