
Small Talk EC P.6

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  • Which month gets the most rain in your country?
    August gets the most rain in my country.
  • What do we usually give to people on Valentine’s Day?
    We usually give a flower and some chocolates.
  • When is Halloween day?
    It is on 31st October.
  • Which activity should we do on a snowy day?
    We should build a snowman.
  • What pattern is the skirt?
    It is a plaid pattern.
  • How many seasons are there in Thailand?
    There are 3 seasons in Thailand.
  • What size is the shirt?
    It is in an extra large size.
  • What’s the weather like?
    It is going to be humid today.
  • Where do we celebrate La Tomatina?
    We celebrated in Spain.
  • What is the famous festival in Germany?
    The famous festival in Germany is Oktoberfest.
  • How many seasons are there in The United state of America?
    There are 4 seasons in The United state of America.
  • When is April fool’s Day?
    It is on 1st April.
  • Which month gets the most highest temperature in your country?
    April gets the most highest temperature in my country.
  • Have you ever seen snow? Where did you see it?
    Yes I have. I saw it for the first time when I went to Japan.
  • What is the famous festival in Mexico?
    The famous festival in Mexico is Day of the Dead.
  • What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
    I usually wear a white T-shirt with jeans.
  • Do you wear any accessories?
    Yes, I do. I wear a watch.
  • Who bought this shirts for you?
    My mother bought it for me.
  • What is the famous festival in Loei?
    It is the Phi Ta Khon festival.
  • What is the symbol of father’s day in Thailand?
    Canna is a symbol of Father’s Day in Thailand.
  • What pattern is the shirt?
    It is a striped pattern.
  • Where did you buy this shirts?
    I bought it from ICONSIAM.
  • Which activity should we do on a sunny day?
    We should go to the beach.
  • How’s the weather?
    It is snowy.