
Summer Conversations

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  • How can I say this in English?
  • What temperature might we reach in the summertime?
    26 - 40  degrees
  • How can I say this in English?
  • Name 2 or 3 things you could use to protect yourself from the sun.
    Umbrella, clothes (long sleeves), sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, ect.
  • What season comes before summer?
  • What season comes after summer?
  • How can I say this in English?
  • What are 2 sports that people play in the summer?
    Swimming, surf, windsurf, golf, ect.
  • How can I say this in English?
  • What are 2 things you could do outside to cool off on a hot summer day?
    Go swimming, have a water fight, eat a popsicle, ect.
  • What is another name for beach sandals?
    flip flops
  • What is the DATE of the last day of school?
    Check the calendar!
  • What does it mean when someone says, "It's scorcher hot out there" or  'It's boiling hot today"?
    Its really hot
  • Name a refreshing summer fruit.
    Watermelon, coconut, mango ect.
  • How can I say this in English?
  • How can I say this in English?