
A Summer's Reading

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  • On their last meeting, why didn't George try to avoid Mr. Cattanzara?
    1. Mr. Cattanzara was drunk so George thought he wouldn't notice him. 2. He still felt respect towards Mr. Cattanzara and could just shove him and run away.
  • How does George feel about quitting school?
    He is ashamed and doesn't like to admit he never finished school.
  • Why is the story called A Summer's Reading if George started reading after the summer in the fall?
    The actual reading did start in the fall, but George "read" his situation and learnt about himself during the summer. Only this summer reading of himself could
  • Describe Mr. Cattanzara. (3 facts)
    Mr. Cattanzara is a stocky, bald-headed man who works as a change maker on an IRT stations. He lives with his fat sick wife above a shoe repair store in a block
  • Where does George's sister work?
    She works in a cafeteria in Bronx
  • How do all the other people in the neighborhood find out about the 100 books?
    From Mr. Cattanzara.
  • Describe George Stoyonovich. (3 facts)
    He is about twenty years old. He is tall and bony. He quit school when he was 16. He quit several jobs and is now unemployed. He isn't stupid as he had bought a
  • Since when does George Stoyonovich and Mr. Cattanzara know each other?
    George knows Mr. Cattanzara since he was a boy when Mr. Cattanzara gave him a nickle to buy lemon ice.
  • What was Mr. Cattanzara's weakness?
    He sometimes got drunk
  • How is the relationship between George and Mrs. Cattanzara?
  • Who are the minor characters?
    George's father, his sister Sophie and Mrs Cattanzara
  • What did Mr. Cattanzara mean when he said "George, don't do what I did?"
    Mr. Cattanzara wants George to finish his education and get a better job and a better life - something that Mr. Cattanzara himself didn't do.
  • Why do you think Mr. Cattanzara didn't tell the truth about George and he even told everyone he had finished reading the books?
    Mr. Cattanzara understod that George needed the people's respect and he hoped that feeling their respect would move George to actually do what he lied about.
  • What did George do with himself during the days?
    He had a morning cup of coffee on his own. He cleaned the house (mopped the floors and put things away) He listened to the ball game on the radio. He read the W
  • What did George do during the nights?
    He walked several blocks to a little park where he thought of the better life he wanted with a good job, a private home and a family.
  • Who are the main characters in the story?
    eorge and Mr. Cattanzara
  • How did George guess Mr. Cattanzara didn't tell everyone he wasn't reading books?
    When he finally left his room he saw that people were still friendly to him. A man asked him if it was true he had finished reading all the books.
  • Why did George quit school?
    He run out of patience. He wanted to be respected but he felt the teachers did not respect him.
  • How many books George claimed to read?
  • What is the setting of the story?
    In New York City, in a poor neighborhood in the summer.
  • What did George do at the end of the story?
    He went to the library, counted a hundred books and sat down to read.
  • Who is the author?
    Bernard Malamud
  • Why didn't George want to talk to Mr. Cattanzara on one of his his night walks?
    George didn't want Mr. Cattanzara to ask him about his reading as Mr. Cattanzara would find out he wasn't reading at all. George crossed the road to look in a s
  • Name two things that George would like to have in the future.
    He wants to have money, a good job, a girlfriend, a house with a porch on a street with trees
  • Why do you think Mr. Cattanzara told George "Go buy yourself a lemon ice, Georgie?"
    He wanted to tell George that he knows he isn't reading the books and therefore he is behaving like a little boy and not a grownup.
  • What changed after George told Mr. Cattanzara he was reading a hundred books?
    1. The shoe maker said to George that he was a good boy. 2. People simled at him kindly. 3. Sophie was softer to him and gave him a buck a week from her earning