
B1 November Revision

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  • The old car woke reluctantly from its overnight sleep. Coughing and sputtering, it finally broke into a loud roar, guess the figure of speech.
  • Fred fried frog legs on Friday, guess the figure of speech.
  • Nick needed a new notebook. (Alliteration - metaphor - simile)
  • The candy was as hard as a rock after coming out of the oven. Guess the figure of speech.
  • The camel is the ship of the desert. Guess the figure of speech.
  • The thunder grumbled (Alliteration - Personification - metaphor)
  • The storm was a savage beast. Guess the figure of speech
  • After Columbus (discover) America, he (return) to Spain.
    had discovered / returned
  • When I _____ Martha at the party she _____ to Juliet. (see, not talk)
    saw / wasn't talking
  • Most cats purr if you pet them behind the ears. Guess the figure of speech
  • When I (get) to the airport I discovered I my (forget) passport.
    got / had forgotten
  • If I ........... (be) you, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • Kyle's father was as stern as a judge when he came home after curfew, guess the figure of speech.
  • If you had phoned me this morning, I .............................. (arrive) late for school.
    wouldn't have arrived
  • Before they (move) to Liverpool, they (sell) everything.
    moved / had sold
  • I wish you _____ (stopped - had stopped- would stop) talking loudly! I have a headache. would stop
    would stop
  • This clock is a piece of junk. Guess the figure of speech.
  • I wish I (didn't eat - hadn't eaten) all that chocolate yesterday. I feel sick
    hadn't eaten (regret)
  • I would join the school orchestra if I ............... (know) how to play a musical instrument.
  • While my father _______ (ride) a bike, he _____ two robbers run out of the bank. (see)
    was riding / saw
  • After Marshall climbed three flights of stairs, he had to sit down. He was a puffing steam engine, guess the figure of speech.
  • If Mostafa ...................... (play) Bamboozle with the boys last week, they would have won the game.
    had played