
Earth and Its Resources

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  • Say two uses of water for the living things.
    Component of the body, of the blood, part of plants' cells, habitat, liquid protecting the embryos, etc.
  • What is the greenhouse effect?
    This effect makes the earth retain heat from the sun in its atmosphere. This causes the earth to have a temperature of about 15ºC. Weather stability for life.
  • How do humans use soil?
    For agriculture and forestry.
  • What properties does the soil have?
    It has many minerals as well as organic matter and air.
  • How can we use energy from the wind?
    It can be transformed into electric energy.
  • Say two uses of water at industry.
    To process food, to create clothes, to create energy, etc.
  • The ozone layer protects us from what?
    The ozone layer of the atmosphere protects the planet from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
  • Describe the lithosphere
    The lithosphere consists of the earth's crust and the upper part of the cover.
  • How much of the total water is available for humans to use?
    Only three percent of the total water on earth is freshwater
  • What are the three zones of the Biosphere?
    The lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere
  • How much of the ocean covers the earth?
    70 per cent of the earth's surface is covered by the ocean
  • What does the biosphere include?
    It includes all living things and the outer layers of the earth.
  • Why is water important for pregnant women?
    Because the liquid that protects the development of the embryos principally consists of water.
  • Describe the Atmosphere
    The atmosphere is a layer of gas that covers the surface of the earth. It protects us from extreme weather.
  • What happens with the water vapour in the air when it is hot?
    When the temperature is higher, there is more water vapour in the air. That is why tropical areas of the earth are more humid.
  • Say two uses of water at home.
    Shower, drink, clean, pool, etc.
  • How can we use nitrogren?
    Different technological processes, such as to make fertilizer and refrigerants to conserve food.
  • Describe the hydrosphere
    The hydrosphere consists of all the water on earth: oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, polar ice caps and the small drops of water in the atmosphere.
  • What can we get from petroleum?
    Fuels, colorants, cosmetics, medicine, etc.