
Our World 6 Unit 3

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  • Marta bought the ingredients so that...
  • What is it? Make a sentence
  • A US company printed a recipe -> people make chocolate at home.
    A US company printed a recipe so that people could make chocolate at home.
  • What is it? Make a sentence
    hot chocolate
  • At 9 a.m. on Saturday ...
    I was / I wasn't
  • Marta heated the chocolate -> the chocolate become liquid
    Marta heated the chocolate so that the chocolate would become liquid
  • At 4.30 on Sunday...
    I was / I wasn't
  • At 7 a.m. yesterday ...
    I was / I wasn't
  • What is it? Make a sentence
  • Marta added spices -> the chocolate tastes like vanilla
    Marta added spices so that the chocolate would taste like vanilla
  • What is it? Make a sentence
  • At 6 p.m. on Friday...
    I was / I wasn't
  • At lunchtime...
    I was / I wasn't
  • Tell a recipe for hot chocolate
  • What is it? Make a sentence
    chocolate cake
  • Tell a recipe for milkshake
  • Marta searched for a recipe so that...
  • What is it? Make a sentence
    cacao beans
  • What is it? Make a sentence
    cacao pod
  • What is it? Make a sentence
    cacao powder
  • Joseph Fry added new ingredients -> make a solid chocolate bar.
    Joseph Fry added new ingredients so that he could make a solid chocolate bar.
  • What is it? Make a sentence