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  • Give some examples of Carbohydrates.
    Rice, Corn, Noodles, Bread
  • What are the types of fats?
    Saturated and Unsaturated fats
  • How do we have a balanced diet?
    By following the food pyramid that helps us plan the balanced diet
  • Why is fibre important?
    It keeps the digestive system healthy
  • About how many % of the human body is made up of water.
  • What does micronutrients mean? What are they?
    They are the nutrients that do not give energy. They are Vitamins, Minerals, Water
  • What is the most unhealthy fats?
    Trans Fats
  • How many nutrients do we have? What are those nutrients?
    6. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Water
  • What food should we eat least according to the food pyramid?
    Oils, Sweets, Fats
  • What will happen when you eat too much carbohydrates? Why?
    Your body will gain weight because the excess carbohydrates will be converted into fats and it stores in the body.
  • What is the function of fats?
    Fats are also source of energy for the body. The skin has layers of fats which keeps us warm. Fats act as cushion to protect body organs from injury. It also he
  • What do you call the situation where you are having a hard time pushing the feces out from your body?
  • What are the macronutrients?
    Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats
  • What is food pyramid?
    a chart that can be used to see how many servings of each food should be eaten each day.
  • Why are nutrients important to us. Give 3 reasons.
    1. Give energy 2. Makes the muscle grow 3. Makes our body healthy and works properly
  • What food should we eat more according to the food pyramid?
    noodles, rice, bread
  • According to the food pyramid what are the foods we should eat lesser than the fruits and vegetables but more than unhealthy fats?
    Protein (Meats, Fish, Eggs) / Dairy Products (Milk, Cheese)
  • What is a balanced diet?
    Balanced Diet - is the one that provides the right amounts of nutrients that a person needs.
  • What are the types of carbohydrates?
    Sugars and Starch
  • What do you call the nutrients that gives you energy?
  • What is nutrition?
    the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses them, and the relationship between diet, health, and disease. 
  • What is the function of the vitamins and minerals?
    It helps our body to stay healthy and work properly.
  • What is the type of carbohydraate that do not give us energy?
  • You need to eat a lot of this nutrient if you are building some muscles in your body.