
A5 farm animals

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  • What color is the duck?
    The duck is ....
  • What does the dog says?
    The dog says woof woof.
  • What does the goat says?
    The goat says baa baa
  • How many goats do you see?
    I see 5 goats.
  • What does the chick says?
    The chick says chip chip
  • How many chicks do you see?
    I see ...
  • What color is the cat?
    The cat is orange.
  • What does the rooster say?
    The rooster says cock a doodle doo
  • What do you see?
    I see a dog.
  • What does the pig say?
    The pig says oink oink
  • What does the duck say?
    The duck says quack quack
  • What does the cat says?
    The cats says meow meow.
  • What does the cow say?
    The cow says moo moo
  • What does the hen say?
    The hen says cluck clukc
  • What does the sheep say?
    The sheep say baa baa
  • What does the horse say?
    The horse says neigh neigh