
Present Real Conditional

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  • When I'm thirsty, I ____ from a glass of water.
  • If I put water into the freezer, it will _____.
    turn into a gas and escape.
    churn itself into butter.
    turn into ice cubes.
    make a snowman.
  • If it is raining today, I should bring....
    my pet dolphin.
    an umbrella.
    a camera.
  • I can go to sleep
    When my project is finished.
    When my friends decide to watch a scary movie.
    When my parents tell me to clean my room.
  • If you put a mentos into a Coca-Cola bottle.
    You will make the bottle erupt like a volcano.
    You will make a new type of drink.
  • My parents said they will buy a dog
    If I keep playing basketball inside of the house.
    If I promise to clean the house and take care of it.
    When I forget to finish my drawing.
  • When I don't study for a test, my teacher gets ____.
  • I will dance
    When my computer stops working.
    If I forget my homework.
    If I pass the test.
  • When Mr. Michael doesn't drink coffee he is _____.
  • If I'm sick
    I stay at home.
    I go to school.
  • The flowers will start to turn brown and die
    If we give them fresh soil/dirt.
    If we don't water them.
    If we forget to sing to them.
  • I will go horseback riding
    If I ever see my favorite band perform live.
    When I visit my Uncles farm next Saturday.
    When I find the newest skate part.
  • My cat will learn how to skate
    When I turn 16.
    When pigs fly.
    If pay for a trainer to teach them.
  • When I'm bored, I _____
    play with friends.
  • When I eat too much food
    I feel sleepy.
    I feel like going on a run.
    I feel ready to do a test.
  • If I have a free day from school, I usually _______.
    watch a movie.
  • You may see the Eiffel tower
    If you visit New York.
    If you go to Paris.
    If you fly to Australia.
  • When I learn how to make dough
    I will work at an ice cream shop.
    He will make a sandwhich.
    I will make a pizza at home.
  • If I stay up late, I will be ___ the next day.
  • When it's Christmas time, my family puts up the __
    Christmas tree.