
G5 Science Semester 1 Review

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  • It is white and fluffy like a cotton balls.What cloud is it?
    Cumulus cloud
  • What is flattened sheets of clouds?
    stratus clouds
  • Mention two animals that reproduce by oviparous.
    platypus and birds
  • What is the coldest biome where the land is frozen most of the time?
  • Is it a decomposer or consumer or producer?
  • How we can prevent pollution?
    by planting more trees or by walking instead using a car
  • Mention two abiotic factors in this school.
    rock, sunlight, wind, and road
  • A high birth rate and a low death rate will result in an/a ............ in the size of a population.
  • Air pollution caused by....
    smoke, burning fuels, gases and fumes from cars and factories
  • Mention two examples of terrestrial ecosystem.
    grassland, desert, savannah, forest, tundra
  • Imigration will result in an increase in population density. Is true or false?
  • The global population is projected to reach 6 billion on 15 November 2022. Is true or false?
  • Mention 3 female parts of flower.
    Stigma, style and ovary
  • Is it a decomposer or consumer or producer?
  • Mention 2 male parts of flower?
    anther and filament
  • A duck has webbed feet to swim. Is it behavioral or structural adaptation?
    structural adaptation
  • Some birds migrate during winter season. Is it behavioral or structural adaptation?
    Behavioral adaptation