
Present Perfect Simple

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  • .........................written to you yet?
  • .............they lived together?
  • They (eat) lunch
    have eaten
  • She (feel) the heat
    has felt
  • You (fall) off your bijke
    have fallen
  • We already (forget) about him
    have already forgotten
  • Maria (not work) for 1 year
    hasn't worked
  • These pills ((not do) any harm
    haven't done
  • She ................angry
    has been
  • You the park
    have gone
  • ...................(Mary be) happy?
    Has Mary been
  • TV (be) stolen
    has been
  • Mary (scream) a lot since she was 3
    has screamed
  • The train just (leave)
    has just left
  • My wife (sing) for 15 min
    has sung
  • been abroad?
  • You (not take) the exams seriously
    haven't taken
  • This bear (not eat) your dog
    hasn't eaten
  • He (make) a cake
    has made
  • I (watch) films for 6h
    have watched
  • His friends (go) missing
    have gone
  • They (sleep) long
    have slept
  • ...............................(they prepare) beautiful posters?
    Have they prepared
  • People (lie) for centuries
    have lied
  • You (make) a mistake
    have made
  • Your cousin (win) the game
    has won
  • My brothers (not send) this letter
    haven't sent