
Creativo cards- Collocations part 1

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  • What time do you usually g…… to sl……… at night?
    go to sleep
  • What do you usually do when you ca…… a co……?
    catch a cold
  • free don’t What like doing you your time? in
    What don’t you like doing in your free time?
  • What happens when someone go……. ba….. ?
    goes bankrupt
  • How often do you usually g….. on ho………..?
    go on holidays
  • What busy having a day mean to does you?
    What does having a busy day mean to you?
  • What kind of things do you b…… when you g…. sh………?
    buy ..... go shopping
  • calls do Who usually make phone to? you
    Who do you usually make phone calls to?
  • Do or enjoy doing you boring? do you find them exercises
    Do you enjoy doing exercises or do you find them boring?
  • someone you doing ever caught red-handed Have something wrong?
    Have you ever caught someone red-handed doing something wrong?
  • When was the last time you w…….to the de……..?
  • Why is it important not to br……. the l…….?
    break the law
  • Do you remember any dr…….. that you've had recently?
  • How can police ca……. a cr………?
    catch a criminal
  • Do you like ta……. no……… in class?
    taking notes
  • Have you ever ha…… a surprise pa…….. at your house?
    had.... party
  • 12. How do you g…… ri….. of a he………….?
    get rid of a headache
  • accident an in been ever you Have ?
    Have you ever been in an accident?
  • Does it ta…… a lo…… ti……. to learn a new skill?
    take a long time
  • How do you keep calm when you feel stressed or anxious?
    feel do you How calm when you keep stressed or anxious?
  • Where do take usually plane a seat you the ? on
    Where do you usually take a seat on the plane ?
  • Have you ever ma……. a carrot c……… before?
    made a cake
  • Have you ever had a really b….. hai…….?
    bad haircut
  • difficult you to kept a Have that promise was ever fulfill?
    Have you ever kept a promise that was difficult to fulfill?
  • What should you do if you accidentally br…… a wi……..?
    break a window
  • What do you like to do for f……?
  • Do you think to married? important get it's
    Do you think it's important to get married?
  • missed Have you ever the plane?
    Have you ever missed the plane?
  • Do you media social comments like on making posts?
    Do you like making comments on social media posts?
  • for without you a favour Can someone in expecting anything do return?
    Can you do a favour for someone without expecting anything in return?
  • How many c….. of c……. do you have a day?
    cups of coffee
  • What do people do in winter?
    go skiing