
Popular British Idioms

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  • 165 million
    the number of cups of tea that the British drink every day
  • not one's cup
    of tea
  • 96%
    of tea consumed in Britain comes in the form of a tea bag
  • Whilst our surrounding countries remained too hooked _____ coffee, England became a tea drinking nation.
  • the jewel in
    someone's crown
  • Invite them _____ for a cup of tea.
  • tea rooms
    places for women where they could meet, chat and discuss politics (the 1880s)
  • as drunk as
    a lord
  • cheap
    as chips
  • it never rains
    but it pours
  • We’re rather fond _______ a proper brew which is what we call a nice cup of tea.
  • feel under
    the weather
  • a queen
  • worth
    every penny