
j5a simple passive

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  • What-a crane-used for?
    What is a crane used for?
  • Where-bridges-built?
    Where were bridges built?
  • They speak Vietnamese in Vietnam.-> Vietnamese...
    Vietnamese is spoken in Vietnam.
  • I broke my leg.-> My leg...
    My leg is broken.
  • You wash the car every week.-> The car...
    The car is washed every week.
  • The Chinese invented paper.-> Paper...
    Paper was invented by the Chinese.
  • Oh no! Zombies ate my friend!-> Oh no! My friend...
    Oh no! My friend was eaten by zombies!
  • They watch TV in the evening.-> TV...
    TV is watched in the evening.
  • The teacher prepares the test.-> The test...
    The test is prepared by the teacher.
  • How-cookies-made?
    How are cookies made?
  • The bridge (make) from stone.
    The bridge is made from stone.
  • They don't make sandwiches here.-> Sandwiches..
    Sandwiches aren't made here.
  • This house (build) in 1950.
    This house was built in 1950.