
Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous

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  • Brown understood the problems of his agency because he ... (work) for it since 2005.
    had been working
  • I knew that our parents ... (grow) melons in their greenhouse since they bought the house.
    had been growing
  • The rain stopped but there were a lot of puddles because it ... (rain) cats and dogs.
    had rained
  • Bob ... (eat up) all the muffins by lunchtime.
    had eaten up
  • They ... (decorate) the New Year tree before the children arrived.
    had decorated
  • Olivia and Victor ... (chat) via Skype for an hour when the connection broke.
    had been chatting
  • Julia wanted to sit down as she ... (stand) at work all day long.
    had been standing
  • She ... (learn) “Eugene Onegin” by the autumn.
    had learnt
  • He ... (loose) much weight by the end of the year.
    had lost
  • My sister ... (do) the laundry since early morning.
    had been doing