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  • How many black dots can you count?
    Are they dancing around the page? I bet you can't see more than one or two at a time!
  • Does this image appear to be moving?
    What can you see?
  • What color is this dress?
    What color did you see first, gold & white or blue & black?
  • What do you think about this house?
    It's painted to look like the desert!
    It's missing pieces and you can see through it!
    It's built with mirrors!
  • How long can you look at this picture?
    30 seconds? 45 seconds?
  • Look at the checkerboard, what do you think is true?
    A and B are different colors.
    A and B are the same color.
  • When you look at this photo, what does it look like to you?
    Did you think her legs looked wet? They're not wet, it's paint!
  • What happens when you look at this?
    Are the circles spinning?
  • Set the timer for 5 seconds, can you find the number 5?
    Could you find it? Its towards the right at the bottom!
  • Can you count the circles? How many do you see?
  • The tile on the top that looks brown and the tile on the side that looks bright orange are actually the same color.
    different color
    same color
  • Is this floor flat or is it bumpy?
    It's a flat floor!
  • Is this a GIF?
    It's not a GIF, your eyes are playing tricks on you!
  • Are these circles spinning?
    If you look long enough, the circles will start spinning.
  • What do you see?
    Did you see a snake? Or did you see hands painted like a snake?
  • Look at the picture and describe what's happening.
    Is everything moving?
  • Look at the picture closely, describe what's happening.
    Are the squares moving?
  • Look closely at the picture, what do you see?
    Are the leaves moving like waves?
  • Do you see a pyramid or a hole?
    Once you see one, it's hard to see the other one!
  • What color is this shoe?
    Did you see mint & grey or pink & white?
  • Stare at the black dot in the center of the picture and watch the colors disappear.
    Did it work? If your eyes stay focused on the black dot, the colors should start to fade away.