
Eiken 2 - Vocabulary Review (2022-1)

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  • He is not a very (-------) person. He gets very angry when he has to wait for people.
  • When you (-------) of your trash you have to be sure to throw it away in the proper garbage can.
  • His teachers helped him enter a good university, so he was very (---------) all they did for him.
    grateful for
  • Even though he made a lot of money he decided to (------) from his job because it was too stressful and he didn't want to do it anymore.
  • She helped him with his homework, so (-------) he bought her some chocolates.
    in return
  • In addition to being very hot in Japan in the summer, the (-------) is very high, which makes it very uncomfortable.
  • Although the flood caused a lot of damage, we can (--------) the fact that nobody was seriously injurued.
    take comfort from
  • Almost everyone is (--------) the government raising taxes. In fact, less than 10% of the people support the idea.
    opposed to
  • Although she had met him just two days earlier, she couldn't (------) his name the next time she met
  • He failed his test, but that is not (-----) him. He usually gets very good grades.
    typical of
  • They didn't spend much money when they were young. Instead, they decided to (-------) their money for their retirement.
    set aside
  • After realizing the test was too hard, the teacher decided to (-------) to make it easier.
  • Her friends tried to (-------) her to go bungy jumping with them, but she was too afraid.
  • We wanted to go swimming in the river, but it wasn't deep enough. Because of the dry weather it was very (--------).
  • He was (-------) talking during class. Even though the teacher told him to be quiet many times, he would not stop talking.
  • When they moved to a new country they were sad because they had to (--------) their pet dog.
    leave behind
  • (-------) other countries, Japan is quite safe and there is not so much (-------), like theft and murder.
    compared with / crime
  • He couldn't remember (-----) what time she woke up today, but she knew it was around 8:00 a.m.
  • Although it was a group project, he didn't (-------) very much and the other members were angry that he didn't do anything.
  • Because he was able to give a good (------) of the person who attacked him the police were able to find him quickly.
  • Although they had a lot of clues and there were many witnesses, the police could not (-----) the case. They still have not found the person who committed the crime.
  • At first he was very nervous when he arrived at his new school, but after a while he was able to relax and felt more (-------).
    at ease
  • Although it was not his fault, many people (-----------) him for the accident.
  • We worked on our project for hours, but we didn't (----------). We still have a lot to do.
    make (much/any) progress