
What's the soil?

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  • What is the color of garden soil?
    The color of garden soil is brown/ black.
  • What kind of soil is used to grow fruits?
    Garden soil is used to grow fruits.
  • What is the color of sand soil?
    The color of sand soil is light brown.
  • How can water pass through clay soil?
    Water can pass through clay soil very hard.
  • What kind of soil is used to grow cassava?
    Sand soil is used to grow cassava.
  • How many percent of organic matter in soil?
    It takes 5%.
  • What is the content of clay soil?
    The content of clay soil is sticky.
  • What kind of soil is used to grow rice?
    Clay soil is used to grow rice.
  • What is the content of sand soil?
    The content of sand soil is very loose.
  • What is the color of clay soil?
    The color of clay soil is grey.
  • What kind of soil is used to grow vegetables?
    Garden soil is used to grow fruits.
  • What is the content of garden soil?
    The content of garden soil is loose.
  • How many percent of mineral in soil?
    It takes 45%.
  • How many percent of water in soil?
    It takes 25%.
  • What kind of soil is used to grow cactus?
    Sand soil is used to grow cactus.
  • What kind of soil is used to make glass containers?
    Sand soil is used to make glass container.
  • What kind of soil is used to make pots?
    Clay soil is used to make pots.
  • What kind of soil is used in building sites?
    Sand soil is used in building sites.
  • How many percent of air in soil?
    It takes 25%.