
Our community

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  • What is a good cititzen?
    Good citizens obey the laws and rules. They accept and respect other people and take responsibility for their actions.
  • A village has small buildings, name 3 other characteristics of a village
    short narrow streets, small local shops, limited job opportunities, shared public services, limited public transport, little traffic.
  • Name 3 Spanish foods
    Tortilla de patata, paella, fabada, gazpacho ect.
  • Where does the mayor and the town council work?
    The town hall
  • T or F: Social services organise outdoor and indoor activities for people to enjoy
    False, sports and recreation services organise outdoor and indoor activities for people to enjoy
  • Name a tradition in Spain
    Flamenco, San Isidro festival, La tomatina festival, semana santa, dia de los reyes magos ect.
  • T or F: a community is a group of people that live together.
  • Sustainable, eco-friendly transport has a low impact on the enviroment, name 2 examples of sustainable transport
    Cycling, walking, car-sharing, public transport, using electric or gas vehicles
  • Traffic lights control the traffic, what does the red light mean?
  • Why do we have road signs?
    Road signs gives us information to keep us safe on the road
  • What are your responsibilities as a good citizen at school? Name 1
    Respect teachers, follow school rules, be supportive of classmates
  • Local government elections are every ____ years. (Give the number)
    Every four (4) years
  • What are the 5 R's of zero waste?
    Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Rot
  • Music, food and festivals are examples of....?
    Traditions and customs
  • What are your responsibilities as a good citizen at home? Name 1
    Respect family members, help with basic chores, take care of pets
  • In the 5 R's of Zero Waste, what does Rot mean?
    Put your organic waste in the compost bin
  • T or F: Towns and cities are rural areas.
    False, they are urban areas.
  • Towns and cities have large buildings, name 3 other characteristics of a town or city
    Long wide streets, shopping centers and big supermarkets, many job opportunities, public services, differant types of public transport, alot of traffic.
  • What is the responsibility of maintenance services?
    They keep our streets and parks clean
  • Name typical food from another country
    Chinese spring rolls, tacos, tamalales, maghreb cuisine, curry ect.