
Truth or Dare

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  • Tell to the other group two truths and a lie, and they have to guess which one the lie is
    Yes or No?
  • What were you doing at this time yesterday?
    Yes or No?
  • Name 10 movies in English in 30 seconds
    Yes or No?
  • Say the name of five music songs in English in 15 seconds.
    Yes or No?
  • Hum a familiar song and someone must guess it
    Yes or No?
  • Had you been speaking English before you started the course? For how long?
    Yes or No?
  • Had you woken up before the alarm clock went off today?
    Yes or No?
  • Say the alphabet in 20 seconds
    Yes or No?
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious x3
  • Sing a song in English
    Yes or No?
  • If you knew that you only have 1 more year to live, what would you do?
    Yes or No?
  • Had you been able to read before you went to school?
    Yes or No?
  • If you could meet a celebrity, who would it be and why?
    Yes or No?
  • What had you been doing before you found your recent job?
    Yes or No?