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  • Which river is the longest in the world?
    The Nile River
  • What greek cultural tradition related to the sports is still relevant nowadays?
    Olympic Games
  • The Earth orbits around the Sun. What is this movement called?
  • The Equator line divides the Earth in two Hemispheres. What are they called?
    Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere
  • How do we call a year that has 366 days?
    Leap Year
  • What is Edelzito's animal in the Chinese Zodiac?
  • Who is the god of the seas?
  • What animal is becoming extinct in China?
    Panda Bear
  • How is the sea turtle sex defined?
    By the temperature their eggs are land in.
  • What animal can only be found in Australia?
    The Platypus
  • What organelle allows the plant cells to do photosynthesis?
  • What percentage does the Amazon forest represent out of the forest areas of the planet?
  • How long does a plastic bag takes to decompose?
    500 years
  • What are the three climate zones?
    Tropical, Temperate and Polar
  • In what year did Australia host the Olympic Games?
  • The coral reefs are formed by skeletons of tiny creatures. When they die, their skeleton becomes part of the reef. What is the name of that creature?
  • What are the two main differences between a plant cell and an animal cell?
    The plant cell has a cell wall and an organelle called chloroplast.
  • When the virus invade our body, it destroys our most important defense. What is it?
    White blood cells
  • Which planet is the fifth of the Solar System?
  • Name 3 symptoms of the flu.
    Cold, fever, runny nose, muscle aches, headache, vomiting, sore throat, cough, ear infection and diarrhea