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  • You signed up for a job to file papers but you get to your job and they direct you to take out the trash.
  • You are shredding papers at work along with a co-worker. Your co-worker keeps taking breaks to talk on their phone and puts their shredding on your pile.
  • You get a phone call that you have to get picked up from work early.
  • You boss gives you a new task at work but does not give you directions.
  • You see a coworker regularly coming to work late and leaving early. You are supposed to be working together to stock the shelves and haven't been getting the work complete.
  • You are asked to set the table for Thanksgiving lunch but you want to watch the parade.
  • You are working on a test in class and the bell rings. You are not done with your test yet.
  • Your parents tell you that one of your cousins that you really don't enjoy talking with is coming to Thanksgiving and they would like you to hang out with him.
  • You are stacking products and accidently knock a whole row off the shelf.
  • You are the last one sitting at the table for dinner so your mom tells you that you need to clean up the dishes on your own.